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孙家声, 又孙嘉声,字读书,又字其已。1949年3月生。山东潍坊人。酷爱书画,承家学勤之,拜访李铎、王学仲、朱学达等学习书法。遍临先人墨迹,循古风重法度形成自己的风格。研究中国书法史,聘请赵朴初、启功、沈鹏、王学仲、武中奇、欧阳中石、蒋维崧、魏启后、邹振亚、包备五、张业法为顾问,历时十年成功编纂《中国古今书家辞典》,添补中国书库空白,被书法界、出版界称为“一部灿烂的中国传统文化精品,影响后世。”师从于希宁门生谭沛先生学习国画,从郭子宣先生学习篆刻。上溯徐渭、陈淳,继承宋、元以来的优秀传统,精心研习齐白石、吴昌硕、关山月、于希宁、潘天寿、傅抱石等绘画大师的绘画技法,师古人、师法造化,中得心源,形成画风。爱梅画梅师先人、导师写梅,以于希宁、关山月笔意入画,笔墨酣畅、雄浑厚重、清丽秀逸,“三魂一心”,是为“心画”。他精心创作的幅幅梅花作品都通透出于希宁铁骨冰魂、奇逸纵横、墨透纸背的风格。他笔下的白梅,冰肌铁骨,掩让姿异,暗香吐芳,格调高古;他的红梅,骨韵雄奇,气韵丰沛,灼灼如火,俨然一颗唤醒百花、普天万紫千红之心。他的巨幅作品,大气磅礴,气势恢弘,构图险适,用笔奔放恣肆,用墨刚柔舒敛,浓淡枯湿相辉,画面丰富蕴藉,整幅作品表现出梅花骨中香彻的君子气质和浩然于世的磅礴风采。



Sun Jiasheng and Sun Jiasheng, the word reading, and the word it has. Born in March, 1949. Weifang, Shandong. Love painting and calligraphy, from the family learning frequently, visit Li Duo, Wang Xuezhong, Zhu Xueda to learn calligraphy. All over the ancestors of the ink, follow the ancient style and heavy method to form their own style. Study the history of Chinese calligraphy, hire Zhao Puchu, QiGong, qi, Shen Peng, qi, wang xuezhong, wu, yang, Jiang WeiSong, Wei Qi, Zou Zhenya, five, zhang as a consultant, lasted ten years successfully compiled the Chinese ancient and modern calligrapher dictionary, add Chinese library blank, calligraphy, publishing called " a brilliant traditional Chinese culture, influence later generations."He studied traditional Chinese painting from Mr.Tan Pei, a student of Yu Xining, and learned seal cutting from Mr.Guo Zixuan. Tracing Xu Wei, Chen Chun, inherited the excellent tradition since the Song and Yuan dynasties, carefully studied the painting techniques of Qi Baishi, Wu Changshuo, Guan Shanyue, Yu Xining, Pan Tianshou, Fu Baoshi and other master painting, learning from the ancients, learning, in the heart source of the painting style. Aimei painting mei teacher ancestors, mentors write plum, to Yu Xining, Guan Shanyue pen meaning into the painting, the ink is smooth, vigorous and thick, clear and elegant, "three souls and one heart", is for the "heart painting". His carefully created pieces of plum blossom works are transparent out of the Xining iron bone ice soul, elegant vertical and horizontal, ink through the paper back style. His white plum, ice muscle iron bone, hide let posture different, dark fragrance, ancient style; his red plum, magnificent bone charm, rich charm, burning like fire, like a wake up flowers, colorful heart. His huge works, magnificent, magnificent, dangerous composition, bold and unrestrained pen, rigid and comfortable with ink, thick and wet, rich picture, the whole work shows the fragrant gentleman temperament and the majestic style in the world

Poetry, calligraphy, painting and printing are all dabbled in, all habits are good. The painting of more self-inscribed poetry, far-reaching conception. From 2018 to 2021, we will create 100 works of plum blossom and 100 poems of plum blossom. And the plum blossom Poetry Exhibition will be held in July 2021 on the occasion of celebrating the centenary of the Communist Party of China.

Poetry, calligraphy, couplets have participated in exhibitions at home and abroad for many times, or won awards or been collected. National level artist, the Chinese ancient and modern calligrapher dictionary editor, Chinese couplets association, Chinese painting and calligraphy collectors association member, the central national organ calligrapher's association, Beijing xuan shengshi international academy deputy secretary general, the Chinese mass culture society celebrity painting and calligraphy art development committee standing committee, for CCTV art leader, literary yong bear, the new era pioneer, Chinese intangible leader, the first historical and cultural heritage.











